
Bespoke Software Development

Custom software development to solve your specific business problem

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Engage our world-class developers for an agile software solution to your specific business problem

If you have a business problem which you can’t solve with off-the-peg software or want a major customisation of one of Triaster’s existing products, development of a bespoke software product may well be the solution you need.

With an Agile software development approach, bespoke software development is no longer the high-risk purchase that it used to be. Agile delivers a ‘Potentially Shippable Product’ within a short time frame - that is further reviewed and refined in time.

This reduces risk and gives you - the customer - the most control over the development process. The most important thing is to choose an Agile software developer with a proven track record.

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Triaster have firm foundations

We have been in the software development business since foundation in 1994. We started as a boutique consultancy, offering training and software development services around geo-mapping and data visualisation and have been developing robust, best-in-class software products ever since.

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Triaster are agile

Triaster are agile through and through – ensuring you benefit from the large number of libraries and reusable components we hold in our source code repository to receive high quality working code in amazingly short time frames.

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Triaster are flexible

In terms of business models, we are highly flexible and willing to think imaginatively about how your project can be financed and delivered.



Triaster are pleased to partner with Clear Business Finance to enable our customers access to favourable finance options for any Triaster Bespoke Software Development contract. Your Relationship Manager will liaise with Clear as your framework agreement is scoped, but you can contact them directly at any time. Click here for more details.

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