Fugro GEOS
Continuing to understand and improve customers' experience

Q Tucker's thoughtful and interesting presentation to the 2013 Customer Experience Exchange was an exploration of how Fugro GEOS are re-launching their Process Library to improve its users' experience. It is summarised below.
Q explained that Fugro is a worldwide company with about ten and a half thousand employees. It delivers measurement data. As he said, 'If you want anything on the planet measured, we do it.' Fugro GEOS is part of the Survey division.
Q is the Fugro GEOS Library Administrator. He has the following objectives for a re-launch of the Fugro GEOS Library:
- To generate staff input into the library
- To ensure only two clicks to find all processes/documentation
- For maps to be revised for compliance
- To revise and amalgamate documents
- To bring external documents into the library, not held locally on employee's hard drives!
- To ensure all process maps and documents are compliant with PAS99 (this sits above ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS14001 - so compliance with all 3 standards are audited at the same time) and comply with the parent company Fugro NV mandatory policies
- To re-approve documents and processes annually
- To create a more intuitive user experience
- To deliver a cut down version to be used offshore
- To add a 'How to' section
- To increase visitors to the library!
Q started with the Library homepage. Updating it from a rather 'worthy' design to a very interesting and relevant design.
The Auditor loved the ISO 9001 clause reporting.
Q Tucker, Fugro GEOS
Out with the old...
...and in with the new!
He then examined about 18 months data from WebLog Expert on Library usage to work out the changes that were required to better address users' needs. Forms and documents will be easier to find. All errors in the process maps have been addressed.
Additional information has been added to the process maps as well as guidance information for all users. Q said how easy the Data Manager feature has made adding data to the process maps and how easy this has made reporting for Auditors. He said that a recent PAS99 Auditor had loved the demonstration of ISO 9001 clause reporting.
And what are the Key Performance Indicators for the project?
- More usage and users
- Better stats in WebLog Expert
- Fugro GEOS Library will be recognised by staff as the default place for information
- Approval by top management
Thank you Q for sharing your Library re-launch project with us.