T.U.G. News - July 2013

Linda Spinks presents the latest news from the User Group

We tell you

User Group

The next User Group meeting will be hosted by 3663 at their Manchester site in Salford, on 9th October 2013.

A reminder that space is usually limited for these events because rooms at most organisations that are kind enough to host a User Group meeting, can only seat a limited number. Accordingly we ask that each organisation is represented by one person only, to ensure the maximum number of customers can attend each meeting. 

For reference, the minutes from the last meeting, which was hosted by Openfield in March, along with presentation slides and the current Product Roadmap can all be found via the User Group Secure page at:

Please e-mail if you need a reminder of the username and password to access this area.

Education Group

The date and location for the next Education User Group meeting is yet to be agreed.

Feedback from the group members following the survey sent out back in March has now been collated. This included questions regarding the most suitable way forward in terms of meetings and sharing information.

The feedback suggests that we should plan for a single Education Group meeting each year, with an emphasis on as many people attending as possible. We will try to ensure that the meeting alternates between northern and southern locations where possible, so that travel time/cost are as fair as possible.

Laura Withers from Kent University has offered to set up and administer an e-mail forum for education users, which can only be set up and joined by people with e-mail addresses. However there is already a group forum set up on LinkedIn, so it will be important to decide on one place to go, rather than a choice of places, in order to avoid diluting the content. If you would like to offer to host a meeting please drop us an e-mail with some suggested dates to

You tell us
Send us your feedback

Please do get involved and feedback to Triaster with your Feature Requests, thoughts about the Feature Prioritisation discussion and following Focus Days. This is our opportunity to shape the future development of the Triaster Solution. The more customers that feed into these sessions, the more accurate the reflection of our collective requirements will be.
