T.U.G. News - July 2014
Linda Spinks presents the latest news from the User Group
We tell you
I have been advised by Triaster that there have been a growing number of requests from both new and more established customers for contact details of other Triaster users to talk with, and on occasion meet. Some people are looking specifically for other users in their area of the UK, or for non-UK customers, users in their country, whereas others are looking for people who have similar objectives for their projects. Triaster are happy to make such information available, once permission has been granted of course. However, please remember that no matter where you are located, you can always share ideas and make contact with other customers via the Triaster User Group forum.
Engineering Group meeting
Remember that the Engineering Group is open to all customers working with/within the Engineering industry. Therefore even if you are working for a Defence or Manufacturing company, you may find that the areas of interest overlap. The next Engineering Special Interest meeting is being held at Skanska, Rickmansworth on 13th November.
Next Main User Group meeting
The next User Group meeting will now be in March 2015, further details will be made available nearer the time. In the meantime, we are looking forward to getting together at the Triaster Conference in October 2014.
You tell us
If you would like to host a User Group meeting please e-mail: user.group@triaster.co.uk