T.U.G. News - May 2015
Linda Spinks presents the latest news from the User Group
We Tell You
At the last Triaster User Group meeting on 5th March 2015, one of the decisions made by the group was to share information more widely within the Triaster community, so that everyone (not just the meeting attendees) can benefit from the expertise in the room at the User Group meetings.
Accordingly, please find below the output notes below from the workshop held at the last meeting, which we hope will at least add something new to any existing knowledge that you may have around this subject.
The workshop was about Project Start Up - either new customers starting from scratch implementing the system, or getting ready to go live, or simply relaunching an existing system in some way. The meeting attendees were all at different stages with their Triaster roll out, and had varied background experiences as well as different organisational cultures.
Topic one: Documentation of processes
The following were highlighted as important:
- Testing - getting feedback via exposure to end users
- Spend more time planning - ask why the project is being carried out - what are the objectives? Consider the following:
- Structure
- Aims and Objectives
- Vision
- Seek feedback from other Triaster users via meetings, LinkedIn Group
- Check 'Lessons Learnt' feedback
- Plan your own Lessons Learnt exercise
- Don't underestimate the training requirements for end users
- Think about the optimum timing for training delivery
- Ensure that there is a process in place post implementation for new starters - e.g. Lockheed Martin have regular drop in days which are well attended
- Consider a phased launch - selected user groups then follow with full launch, videos and webinars. Good feedback has been received by this approach at National Oilwell Varco
- Take a continuous improvement approach - don't wait until all is perfect, place emphasis back on users to provide feedback
- Ensure that process owners take responsibility
- Give people time to review content
- Manage expectations
- Sell it -> stress the benefits
- Ensure engagement at high enough level with major decision makers
- How to ensure compliance - audit and self-assessment
- Consider the scope of your project:
- Start with small group to prove concept and gain buy in
- Look at key processes e.g. HR
- Measure 'How do I?' calls before and after implementation
- Find group of users who will gain most benefit
- If no audit is in place, look at KPI's for the department, ensure that senior people are engaged
- Show aims in terms of waste management, compliance - carry out cost benefit analysis
- Don't underestimate cultural change - think about change management approach
- Sell it by:
- Showing that variation is removed
- New initiatives / Process Improvement managed properly - demonstrable
Topic two: Where to start the mapping exercise?
- How can we estimate?
- Use small areas to aid estimates for larger areas
- Build in time-lag for approval and rework as this can cause bottlenecks
- Don't give anyone a blank piece of paper
- Use ISO9001 2008 as a guide
- Understand when compromise is acceptable - when planning consider scope and priorities - time/cost/quality
- Understand must do's - identify primary area of delivery
- Understand areas of biggest risk
- Have a review team available for checking/testing - a trusted band of people you can rely on
- The process owner should be the custodian of the map but the entire organisation is responsible for the business process
Next Main User Group meeting
Steve Ward of NG Bailey has offered to host the next main User Group meeting at their Bradford site, on 10th September 2015.
Engineering Group meeting
The second planned Engineering group meeting was originally going to be hosted by Skanska, however they are rather busy on some large projects over the coming months and so have suggested that we open it back up for someone else to host this meeting. It may be worth thinking through any specific topics that you may want to discuss with other likeminded people and asking if anyone else wants to meet up about it, before any date is actually agreed. This can be done by contacting customer.services@triaster.co.uk